Apply or Renew Recreational Fire Permit Online
You must read and agree to the conditions for burning
before proceeding with the online application process.
Please have your Visa or MasterCard ready.
A non-refundable fee of $40.00 CDN for a one year permit and $80.00 CDN for a two year permit is required for the permit.
Rental Dwelling - Any person/tenant living in a rental structure or in an
area having multiple occupancies WILL NOT be issued a Recreational Burning Permit
unless the Property Owners Permission to Burn Form is completed and signed by
the owner and is submitted at the time of the site inspection.
Property Owner
Burn Permission to Burn
On-site Outdoor Fire Guidelines
- No burning shall take place within 2 metres (6.5 feet) of any wooden structure
(shed, house, fence, etc.) or combustibles.
- Adjoining lot clearance restrictions for recreational burning
appliances or dug out pits will be established at 5 meters
(16 feet) from the property line or in the centre of the
building lot where a 5 metre clearance cannot be achieved.
- Fire pits and appliances must be isolated and surrounded by
a non-combustible material. Pea gravel or coarse sand should
be used on the bottom of the pit to assure protection below and
to discourage smouldering material.
- Dug out fire pits must not exceed 0.6 metres
(2 feet) in Zone B or 1.0 metre (3 feet) in diameter in Zone A (rural)
– refer to Zone Map for Burning Permits. If in muskeg, a minimum of 15 cm
of sand must be installed. Rocks / bricks are to surround the pit.
- If an appliance such as a chiminea is to be used on a wooden deck, proper shielding to protect the combustible deck will be required, as outlined in section 2.6.2. of the Ontario Fire Code.
- 8” clearance on all sides
- 18” clearance on loading side
- For heat protection, one course of brick or stone to be
installed under appliance.
- For ember protection, sheet metal to be installed under
brick or stone.
Conditions to Burn
- No unapproved burning will take place as per the Ontario
Fire Code. Burning will only be permitted after a permit is acquired.
- A $40.00 fee will be collected for a New Fire Permit
which includes the inspection fee. Yearly Fire Permit renewals will be $40.00 thereafter.
- Burning is permitted between the hours 1700 and 2400 hours (5:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m.).
- Burning will be allowed only if approved
and the site has been inspected by an Officer of the Thunder Bay
Fire Rescue prior to issue of permit.
- Permits are issued on an annual basis
and must be renewed each year.
- Only small pieces of clean dry wood or
charcoal are to be used. No trash, such as garbage, tires, plastics,
roofing, cut lumber ends or other building materials, cardboard, or
any combustibles that produce toxic fumes may be burned.
- No burning in wind greater than 16 km/hr
or gusting conditions.
- The fire is to be supervised at all
times, with adequate extinguishing equipment on site such as a
garden hose or portable fire extinguisher.
- Approved burning appliance / pit shall
not be relocated or altered in any way, shape or form without the
approval and re-inspection by the Fire Service.
- Permits are non-transferable.
- Permits may be cancelled due to changes
in ground or atmospheric conditions or non-conformity of the regulations.
- Permit cancellation may occur as a
result of a legitimate smoke nuisance complaint or unsafe conditions.
- Permit cancellation may occur as a
result of the Ministry of Natural Resources direction as to
hazardous fire conditions or a fire ban has been issued by the
Chief Fire Official. You may be notified of Fire Bans by email.
*** Unapproved Burning Permit applications will not be refunded. ***
If you have any questions regarding the above Guidelines or Conditions,
please call your local
Fire Station
before proceeding with the online application.
Guidelines for Chimineas, Outdoor Fireplaces or Fire Pits  
Adobe PDF, 1 page, 48 KB
The permit issued is subject to the conditions above, and
does not relieve the permittee from liability resulting from
fire damage or the effects of the products of combustion as
the result of the setting out of the described fire. Burning
without a permit or failure to comply with the above may result
in a fine of up to $25,000.00.
Note: If you do not receive a confirmation email
once your payment has been processed, please contact
Fire Administration 807-625-2103 or email
I have read the above Guidelines and
Conditions and will abide by them for the
Approved Burning.